Junior Tour Policies & Procedures
Player Conduct Policy
Proper course etiquette and sportsmanship is extremely important and will be strictly enforced. The Met PGA Staff works hard to find courses willing to host junior events. By taking care of the course, we stand a better chance of a return visit. Players are expected to behave in accordance with the rules prescribed by the Met PGA Junior Tour.
As a member of the Metropolitan PGA Junior Golf Tour, it is your responsibility to abide by and respect the following:
- Players are responsible for protecting the integrity of The Tour, and should refuse to sign any scorecard that he/she believes to be inaccurate and should speak to a tournament official immediately if this occurs. Players should be aware that a marker who knowingly signs an incorrect scorecard is also subject to disqualification.
- Players are required to: replace divots, repair ball marks, smooth bunkers, and properly dispose of trash. There will be ZERO TOLERANCE! It is imperative to remember that we are guests of these clubs and lack of respect for the golf course will not be tolerated.
- Players must not display unsportsmanlike conduct, including but not limited to abusive language, cheating, disrespect to volunteers, officials or fellow competitors, and throwing clubs.
- Players must not display improper behavior on the golf course such as physical abuse, smoking, chewing tobacco, drinking alcohol, using illegal drugs etc.
- Players should leave the golf course in better shape than you found it!
- Players should always take time out to write a thank you note to the course/host Professional in order to be invited back
For those who do not abide by the rules above the following 3 strike policy has been put into affect:
1. First offense: You are disqualified from the tournament where you had the offense, The Met PGA staff contacts your PGA professional to make them aware of the situation, and you are put under probation where a staff member will follow you at future tournaments. *
2. Second offense: You are disqualified from the tournament where you had the offense and suspended from the Tour for two weeks. The probationary period will continue when your suspension is lifted.*
3. Third offense: You are expelled from the Junior Tour and disqualified from Player of the Year points and special honors that go along with them.
*Please note the severity of the offense may result in stricter reprimand.
Golf is a game of integrity. Members are expected to:
Respect themselves, Respect fellow competitors and staff, Respect the rules of golf, Respect the golf course.
All Met PGA Junior Tour events will be governed by the USGA Rules of Golf. Any question of a player’s score or procedure should be immediately reported to the Tournament Committee to ensure fairness to all players. Rule 20.1c states: “If you know or believe that another player has breached the Rules and does not recognize or is ignoring this, you should tell that player, the player’s marker, a referee or the Committee. You should do this promptly, and certainly before the player returns their scorecard. Your failure to do so could be serious misconduct resulting in disqualification.” Remember if you are caught cheating, that stigma can last a lifetime.
How Do I Enter the Tournaments
Tournament registration can be accessed through your Players Club Account. Tournaments will remain open until they are full but will close one week prior to the event.
Registrations are processed on a first-come, first-served basis and there is no limit to the number of events a member can register for. Immediately following registration you will be notified by email if you were accepted or placed on the waiting list for each event.
1. Go to www.metpgajuniorgolf.com
2. Either click on the Tournament Sign Up Banner or sign into your Players Club Account
3. Login using your User ID and Password (if you are unsure of either, click on ‘Forgot your ID/ Password?’ and enter your e-mail address– not your GHIN number!)
4. Click on the Tournaments Tab and select the events you would like to register for. Please Note: There will only be checkboxes next to the tournaments which you are eligible for based on your Tour/ Age Division
What's Expected the Day of the Tournament?
All of the regular things you would bring to play a round of golf such as your clubs, golf bag, golf shoes, tees, balls, ball marker, divot repair tool, water, sunscreen etc. Please note not every club will have a snack bar available. Please be sure to bring adequate food and drink supplies with you. It is also important to make sure juniors have some basic medical supplies on them that they might need. Frequently requested items include Band-Aids, sports tape, Advil, stomach medication etc. The Met PGA staff will have most of these things available but it is more beneficial to have these items accessible at arms length.
All players should arrive at a tournament at least 30 minutes prior to their starting time. Any player not checked in within 15 minutes of their starting time may be considered a no show and is subject to lose their original starting time. Please note all players should arrive at least 45 minutes early for a shotgun start.
As soon as you arrive at the tournament you must check in with a Met PGA staff member at the Registration Table. Your starting time will be confirmed and you will be directed to the practice facilities available. Players are responsible for being at the tee at least 10 minutes prior to their starting time. It is NOT the responsibility of the Met PGA to make sure competitors are at their starting point on time. Any player who is late to the tee will be subject to penalty and/ or disqualification under the USGA Rules of Golf.
1. Please check the number of golf clubs in your bag- maximum is 14.
2. Please place an identifying mark on ball with a marker.
3. Pace of Play: Be sure to keep up with the group in front of you.
4. Please be to the tee 10 minutes prior to your starting time.
5. If at anytime you are unsure of a rule, or doubt as to how to proceed please follow Rule 20.1c (playing 2 balls).
Players will receive their official scorecards and additional Local Rules on the first tee. Each player will be responsible for keeping a fellow competitor’s score, as well as their own. Players are highly encouraged to keep score for the rest of the members of their group as well. Players will be responsible for complete knowledge of the Rules of Golf and any Local Rules.
Parents are encouraged to drop their kids off at the tournament sites and return shortly before they finish their round. An average 18 hole round takes between 4 and a half – 5 hours (2 hours and 30 minutes for 9 holes). Spectators are not allowed other than at two-day Future Series events at a course that permit guests.
Dress Policy for Juniors & Parents
Appropriate attire for boys is a collared golf shirt, pants or long shorts, and golf shoes or sneakers. Appropriate dress for girls is a collared golf shirt, pants or long shorts/ skirts, and golf shoes or sneakers. No MOCK NECKS OR CARGO SHORTS, jeans, tank tops, sweat suits, T-shirts, gym/mesh shorts, bicycle shorts, halter-tops, midriffs, or short shorts/skirts will be tolerated. Girls’ shorts/skirts MUST be no shorter than 4 inches above the knee. All shirts must be tucked in. No hats are to be worn backwards and should be taken off when entering the clubhouse. The use of cell phones, iPods/mp3 players, and headphones is not permitted during a stipulated round unless it is for scoring purposes. Golf shoes must have soft spikes. It is important that children, as well as adults, dress appropriately at all times. Players and parents who do not abide by the dress code will be asked to leave club premises.
Cancellation/Withdrawal Policy
If you find that you are unable to participate in an event that you have entered, you must cancel the event online through your Players Club account and NOT by calling the office! Cancellations made by 12:00pm 2 weeks prior to an event will receive a refund minus a $5 cancellation fee, or can receive a full credit to play in a future tournament. Any cancellation made 2 weeks to 3 days prior to an event will receive a credit to play in a future tournament. Any cancellation made after 12:00pm 3 days prior to an event will receive no refund, no exceptions. All credits are valid through the current season only. In the case of emergencies, players will be able to cancel up until 9:00am the day of an event to avoid being listed as a No Show. If you fail to notify the Met PGA of a cancellation, you are subject to a loss of playing privileges listed below under “No Show Policy.”
No Show Policy
The Met PGA Junior Tour cancellation/withdrawal policy enables the staff to replenish the tournament field. A “no show” takes away a playing opportunity for another Met PGA Junior Tour member. A player who “no shows” will have their playing privileges suspended.
Standby Policy
If you are waitlisted, or decide you want to play in an event the day of, you may come as a stand by. Please arrive no sooner than 30 minutes before the first tee time in your division. There are no guarantees stand bys will receive a spot in the tournament.
Pace of Play Policy
The Metropolitan PGA does not condone slow play. It is inexcusable to play 18 holes in over 4 1/2 hours. A player must play without undue delay and in accordance with any pace of play guidelines that the Committee may establish. Between completion of a hole and playing from the next teeing ground, the player must not unduly delay play. Therefore, the following guidelines will be enforced:
The maximum amount of time groups need to play a hole are as follows:
Par 3: 13 minutes
Par 4: 14 minutes
Par 5: 15 minutes
In addition:
A group will be considered out of position if at any time during the round they exceed the time allotted to play a hole.
Groups will also be considered out of position if a par 3 or par 4 is open ahead of them, or when the group ahead of them is on the putting green on a par 5.
When a group is out of position, a warning may be issued and the group will be encouraged to get back into position. If the group remains out of position, all individuals in the group will be put on the clock and timed on each shot.
The timing of a player’s stroke will begin when it is his/her turn to play and he/she can play without interference or distraction. A player is allowed up to 40-seconds to play a stroke. If a player exceeds the 40-second time limit on two consecutive occasions, they will receive a one-stroke penalty. If a player exceeds 40-seconds on three consecutive occasions, they will be penalized two additional strokes. A fourth consecutive occasion will result in the player being disqualified.
Once a group has regained their proper position, all timing shall cease and all/any bad time shall be void.
Scoring Procedures
The following guidelines have been established by the Met PGA to help ensure fairness to all Junior Tour competitors:
All players should call out their scores at the completion of each hole.
All players should record the score for each member of their group.
All players should keep a record of their own scores.
Parents Corner
Please read this handbook thoroughly before calling the office with any questions. Hopefully, most information you will need is right here. It is our goal to provide our members with an experience in tournament golf that is both fun and educational. We ask that you, as their parents, help us in the endeavor and follow the guidelines set forth by our organization to ensure that our goals are met. We ask you to please make note of and abide by the following principals:
To us, every junior on our tour is the next up and coming star. Please do not let your personal pride and goals overshadow the thrust of our efforts.
• Parents, friends, or other spectators will not be allowed on the golf course during 9 Hole Tour and Players Tours events. Spectators will be allowed on the course for 36 Hole Future Series and Championships at sites that permit guests which will be announced prior to the event. Where possible, there will be specific areas on the golf course where spectators will be able to watch players. Unauthorized spectators on the golf course will be asked to leave and may be subject to having the player(s) they are watching disqualified.
• Spots for tournaments are filled on a first come first served basis. Be sure to register early to guarantee your spot in an event. Once a tournament is full we start a waiting list and if there are cancellations spots will be filled from the waiting list. If your child is not selected off the waiting list and still wishes to play, they are more than welcome to come as a standby the day of the tournament. There are no guarantees that a standby will be admitted entry into the event.
• Our tour is an introduction to tournament golf for these juniors and for many it is a difficult transition from playing a regular round. It is our goal to make their first experience with tournament golf rewarding and enjoyable so they will want to continue their young careers. We hate to see any added pressure put onto our tour players and ask that you keep this in mind at all times.
• Parents are guests at these clubs too and must adhere to dress guidelines set forth in this handbook. If you are present at one of our tour events and are inappropriately dressed, you will be asked to leave.
• Various scholarship opportunities are available to our members including financial aid for tournaments, college scholarships, and various other opportunities. For more information please visit our website!
• The Golden Rule: The most important thing is to have fun!